Where Will It Be Safe?
- Introduction
- Cites & Populous Areas
- Water Hazards
- Elevation
- Volcanic Hazards
- Fire Hazards
- Substratum
- Underground Structures
- Continent & Equator
- Natural Resources
- Mountain Locations
- Island Locations

Mountain Locations: When considering a mountainous location, it’s easy to imagine a nicely wooded area with open fields and valleys, adequate fresh water from rivers, stream, or lakes; fertile land for planting and grazing, wildlife and natural vegetation for easy harvesting, and reasonable protection from the elements. The criteria for considering a mountainous region would include: altitude, weather and temperatures, vegetation, wildlife, resources such as wood and water, and possibly remoteness.

What people don’t often realize is that mountainous regions include tremendous risks if any of the possible cosmic or Earth events do occur. In fact, mountainous regions contain the highest risks of any location besides low lying areas in close proximity to the ocean or large bodies of water.
Why? To consider the risks, let’s first consider that mountains are created because they are directly on or near major fault lines in Earth’s crust. Such locations are also exactly where the magma under the crust is able to find openings which we know as volcanoes.
In school, we were all taught that most mountain ranges were created by fault lines moving in slight amounts over long periods of time. Further that minor earthquakes caused movement in these fault lines which translated into upward or downward movement of the mountains in a few millimeters per year over periods of millions of years. Of course, this is what we were taught, however, the geological and physical evidence speaks quite differently.

How many people know that you can find sea shells on many mountain tops and even entire layers of oceanic fossils in some mountainous areas? How many people are aware of the evidence that some mountain ranges have moved up or down 3,000 to 9,000 meters (10,000 to 26,000 ft) in a single cataclysmic event? Although many in the scientific community might continue to dispute that such events have occurred in Earth’s past, the geological evidence speaks for itself.

A recent book entitled “CATACLYSM!: Compelling Evidence of a Catastrophic Event in 9500 B.C.” contains scientific proof of such an event. This book combines geological and archeological research to support their finding of a global cataclysm event about 12,000 years ago which ravaged the planet with the destructive force of shifting in Earth’s crust and from water. The authors of this book have drawn on the previous research of numerous geologist and carbon dating to conclude that some mountain regions below the ocean were recently at above sea level and many that were at sea level are now towering over our landscapes.
In other words, the story we were told in school that mountains move up or down a few millimeters per year over periods of millions of years is not the whole truth and may be a complete fabrication.

If the foundation of this research is to consider whether mountainous regions are high risk locations considering the possible Earth and cosmic events, then the possibility that they could be thrust upwards or downwards, in the order of 10,000 to 26,000 feet, instantly must rank right up there with the extinction of the dinosaurs! Is such an event the foundation for the “Great Earthquake” from the Bible and other prophecy?
Now let’s consider some of the other natural risks. Besides earthquakes, additional risks to mountainous regions include: volcanoes, fire, flash floods, as well as mud and rock slides.

Of all these potential risks, volcanoes are probably the easiest to eliminate when choosing a mountainous location. Why? Because most volcanoes are well documented or even highly visible with the naked eye. In this case, some simple research and observation can eliminate any risk from being too close to a volcanic region. The only problem is that virtually all mountain regions are highly susceptible to volcanic activity due to the nature of how they are created from a weakness in the crust called fault lines. Even if you do not find active volcanoes, many mountainous regions are known for their “hot springs” which are the result of magma in close proximity to the surface (i.e. volcanic activity).

If you look around the world today you will see evidence of massive rock slides on virtually every mountain region on the planet. Evidence of mud and rock slides is so dramatic that you can even see them from space. Just go to Google Earth and zoom in on any mountain range in the world.

When you visit some of these locations in person, you can instantly become awed by the amount of energy that would be required to create such slides which supports the evidence of cataclysmic events that have moved entire mountain ranges. In some cases, the terrain is steep enough and the rocks small enough to imagine how a slight earthquake could have caused the slide. However, in many cases, it’s obvious by the size of the rocks and vastness of the slides that they must have been created by much greater events than just your average earthquake.
In most mountainous regions, we have not witnessed anything on the scale that must have occurred to create the existing slides and formations. Probably the greatest example of such cataclysmic events is what happened in the mountains of China in May 2003. The below satellite image is a before and after from the 7.9 magnitude earthquake that struck the mountain region of China in May of 2003. In these images, red is vegetation and brown is either dirt, mud, or rock. As you can see from these images, the earthquake caused massive mud and rock slides in the mountain regions, destroying crops, forests, villages, and killing over 70,000 people.
This event in China was the result of heavy rains which saturated the soils and then a 7.9 magnitude earthquake which caused the saturated soils to experience liquefaction and eventually slide. Such events bring to light the next topic of discussion which is rain, soil saturation, and liquefaction.
Rain and soils saturation is the root cause of all mudslides and probably most rock slides in the world. Liquefaction can occur simply as a result of heavy rains even without an earthquake as seen in this September 2010 video of a mudslide in a remote village in Italy.
Liquefaction caused by heavy rain in Italy, Sept 2010
Liquefaction can also occur in low elevation areas as well which can be seen in the following videos from the March 2011 earthquake induced liquefaction in Japan and from the February 2011 earthquake induced liquefaction in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Liquefaction caused by Earthquake in Japan, Mar 2011, 9.0 earthquake
Liquefaction example in Christchurch, New Zealand, Feb 2011, 6.3 earthquake
In other words, liquefaction does not require an earthquake to occur; however, the combination of elevation, rain, and earthquakes creates a formula for disaster and the greatest risk to mountainous regions.

If this evidence is not enough, now imagine the possibility of solar storms, volcanic ash, or other cosmic forces that create the perfect situation for heavy rainfall. With the potential conditions that have been predicted for these coming times and events, experiencing rainy conditions beyond anything we have seen in modern history is a very real possibility.
There is also evidence that such heavy rains have occurred in ancient history if you consider references in the Bible to be possible. In the time of Noah and the Great Flood as referenced in the Bible, it was written that Earth experienced a rain that lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Although difficult, at best, to imagine such a torrential downpour, it is not unrealistic when considering the possible cosmic and Earth events that could occur during these times.

We are already seeing unusual weather patterns affecting the entire planet as the weather appears to be flipping and changing dramatically in many regions. Some might say this is the result of El Nina, El Nino, cyclical solar activity, and even possibly as a result of the magnetic pole movement. Whatever the rational, these ongoing events are often reported to be within some statistical probability, but what happens when events occur that are outside of all scientific and statistical understanding? These are exactly the events that can not be predicted, but only speculated.

Now imagine the possibility of an event that causes the Sun to release excessive solar radiation beyond something ever recorded in history. Then imagine how solar radiation affects our weather by drawing moisture from the oceans which are deposited as rain on the landscape. Although less likely, any volcanic activity can also cause heavy ash clouds to form which, in turn, are known to be a catalyst for creating rain storms.
In other words, the potential to experience periods of 40 days and 40 nights of rain are very real. Such an event would saturate all soils beyond anything that scientist and geologists could imagine. The subsoil saturation and liquefaction from such an event would be beyond imagination and cause massive mudslides and flash flooding of all ravines, canyons, and mountainous valleys. To give a perspective on the potential for devastating conditions, just imagine any of the known liquefaction videos or events in recorded history, magnified about 400 times.

The 7.9 earthquake in China on May 2003 and the resulting mudslides is only an example and pales in comparison to the possible devastation that would occur from 40 days and 40 nights of continuous rain. Even without an earthquake, such an event would cause entire mountainsides to liquefy and slide. By adding the motion from even a small earthquake would create an exponentially more devastating event. However, when speaking about a potential earthquake or earthquakes with magnitudes beyond our imagination, the risk to mountainous regions becomes exponentially worse.
The concept of a Great Earthquake, as referenced in many ancient scriptures including the Bible, is not unrealistic. We’ve already mentioned how there is scientific evidence of a global cataclysm event about 12,000 years ago which ravaged the planet with the destructive force of shifting in Earth’s crust. This research and evidence prove that some mountain ranges where thrust upwards or downwards 10,000 to 26,000 feet in a cataclysmic event of very short duration. Such an event is likely the foundation for the “Great Earthquake” as written in Biblical prophecy?
It doesn’t take much to imagine the disastrous consequences of life in the mountains if Earth experiences liquefaction of the soil combined with earthquakes in events that are far beyond our comprehension.

Last, but not least in the risk assessment for mountainous regions is the risk from fire. Even today, under relatively normal conditions, fire is one of the greatest risks to any mountain habitat and lifestyle. Why? Because unless you have vast amounts of water and the ability to move that water, fire pretty much burns through everything until it is extinguished. It doesn’t help that wooded terrain, better known as forests; provide the perfect fuel for any fire. Statistics show that on average, fire destroys about 5% of worldwide forests annually. This may not sound like a lot unless you happen to be living within that 5% region.
It’s been predicted and prophesized that Earth could experience a period of extreme solar activity. Such events have been described in ancient scriptures as they reference a time when the Sun became so hot that people had to jump into lakes and rivers to stay cool. These scriptures also state that the waters in the rivers and lakes boiled and those people did not survive.
We already know that some cosmic event is already acting on our Sun and every planet in our solar system. The ice core sample data from the Antarctic reveals a clear pattern of hot and cold cycles of Earth while scientists have proven these temperature pattern are directly related to solar output and not the burning of fossil fuels.
Scientists have proven the Sun is going through changes today that they have never witnessed before. In October 2008, NASA scientists warned that the heliosphere, the protective shield of energy that surrounds our solar system, has weakened by 25 per cent over the past decade and is now at it lowest level since the space race began 50 years ago. This means that, since 2008, Earth is being bombarded with at least 25% more cosmic radiation from the galaxy.
What happens if a cosmic event occurs that causes our Sun to heat up or reduces Earth’s protection from solar radiation? Predictions and prophecy of the potential cosmic events indicate that Earth may very well experience a period of intense heat coming from the Sun. Some indications are that our Sun could become 20% to 30% hotter for a short period of time.

Of course this is all speculation and this information is not being provided as proof. Instead, it is being provided as a BIG “what if”. What if the Sun got 20% to 30% hotter through the coming events? What if there were no firefighters available to stop a forest fire? What if the heat was so intense that every forest caught on fire? What if you had created a mountain habitat and the forest was on fire? How would you survive if most or all of your resources were burned up in a devastating fire?
The answers to these questions are not so difficult are they? If you are living in the mountains and the forest catches on fire, you run! You run and if necessary, you leave everything behind that you can not carry. The question you must ask yourself is whether such a location provides and environment with long-term sustainability.
Now let’s summarize why mountainous regions provide the greatest risks of any location on the planet.
- Mountainous regions are on the exact locations where fault lines exist and where earthquakes have occurred which created the mountains.
- The elevation of mountainous regions produces steep slopes where water can move quickly down the hillsides and valleys.
- Mountainous regions are generally covered with dense forests and wooded areas where they also provide the most habitable environment.
- With the coming events, there is a potential of torrential rains that could last for weeks or even months, saturating the subsoil far beyond anything every witnessed.
- Extreme saturation of the subsoil is the catalyst for liquefaction or the liquefying of earth so that it flows with the characteristics of water.
- The devastating affects of liquefaction are more dramatic in mountainous areas with steep slopes that can result in unpredictable mudslides, rock slides, and flash floods.
- Even with what we would consider nominal earthquakes, the risk of devastating liquefaction increases dramatically.
- Research has proven that mountain ranges have risen or fallen 3,000 to 9,000 meters from cataclysmic events in Earth's recent past history.
- With the coming events, there is a potential of earthquakes that are far beyond anything previously experienced and even beyond our comprehension.
- With the coming events, there is a potential of extreme solar activity and a sudden increase in temperatures that could cause the grass and trees to catch on fire instantly.
Only after the extensive research to create this “Where Will It Be Safe?” document, did it become obvious that the highest risk locations are in mountainous regions.
The information contain herein is for those who may want to consider the risks of certain areas during this unusual and unpredictable time in history. Many who read this may not believe in the potential cosmic or Earth events. They may not believe that any major or cataclysmic events are coming in our near or distant future. They may not believe that our climate is going to change dramatically or that we may experience extreme solar activity and weather changes. And they may not believe in the potential for massive earthquakes beyond our comprehension.

The most important factor when making any decisions is learning how to balance our intellectual knowledge with our intuition. Basing any decision on one without the other is only utilizing part of your consciousness. By understanding the physical possibilities of these times and combining that with the spiritual possibilities of these times, anyone can make an informed decision about choosing a location. This means that it is important to gain knowledge and wisdom about Earth’s history and your inner self before making any decision. Those who make decisions without putting in this effort may explain why so few people survived the previous cataclysmic events.
For more information on the risks of an island (top of mountain) location, please refer to our write up on Island Locations.