- Introduction
- Cites & Populous Areas
- Water Hazards
- Elevation
- Volcanic Hazards
- Fire Hazards
- Substratum
- Underground Structures
- Continent & Equator
- Natural Resources
- Mountain Locations
- Island Locations
Introduction: If you’ve read through the Social Economic impacts, then the recommendations provided here may begin to make sense. The only real question is what level you believe in these events. Granted, some of the possible events surrounding this time in history are challenging to consider and even more challenging to believe even by many of those who are already making plans.
There are basically three directions or choices that everyone has before them.
- Don’t do anything because none of this is going to happen.
- Plan for the Social Economic impacts because they seem tangible.
- Plan for both the Possible Earth Events and Social Economic impacts.

The only other consideration is whether you plan for the short-term or long-term. How many people have come to understand the true reason behind the collapse of global society? It’s the same reason why most businesses fail which is “short-term planning.” Anyone who’s been successful in business has learned that short-term planning is unsustainable and without long-term planning a business, family, society, and even a global population is unsustainable. So, no matter what you believe may or may not happen over the next few years, if you’re not planning for the long-term, then you might just as well not be planning at all.

If you believe and understand in the coming Social Economic impacts, then you realize that decisions must be made well in advance of these events. In fact, in order to even survive through these times, we must start planning now for the major changes in lifestyle and sustainability. If you also believe in the Possible Earth Events, then the only difference between the two is how you prepare.
Project TriStar is dedicated to providing truthful and forthright information and recommendations to help people transition through these times with the least amount of suffering. In keeping with this philosophy, Project TriStar is planning and preparing for both the Possible Earth Events and Social Economic impacts. Planning for the Social Economic impacts only, could simply mean taking these recommendations and reducing or eliminating some of the individual considerations.

The most important decision to make in any preparation is the choice of location. Throughout history, the choice of location has determined everything from viability to sustainability. It doesn’t matter whether you are talking about a business, farm, castle, community, town, or city, if you make a poor choice of location, the consequences can be devastating.

When choosing a safe location for either the Possible Earth Events or Social Economic impacts, the key word is “remote”. This doesn’t mean rural or a fifteen minute drive from a town. As a minimum, remote means far enough from any form of civilization that is beyond access by foot. Sustainability in a remote location can certainly be a greater challenge, but it’s essential for the ability to live in peace and harmony through the worldwide economic depression, global famine, martial law, WWIII, and the possible cosmic and geophysical events.

From the information provided under this topic, you may realize that sustainability will take more than simply building a shelter or dome structure. In order to sur-thrive on a humane and harmonic level, preparations must be made. Existence can be either tolerable or intolerable depending on how one prepares. All of the above topics should be reviewed and considered by anyone who is choosing a personal location or involved in preparation planning for a sustainable community.

Making a miscalculation in any one of the above considerations can spell disaster no matter what your intentions. Every day, we hear of people making choices and preparations based on incomplete information and in some cases simply denial. There are people who have already sold their assets, built a shelter, and moved into it without even knowing the potential of what’s coming or if they’re in a safe location. The point is that many people do not have enough information to prepare properly. In addition, timing and commitment of resources may be the most important factor in sur-thrival.
Due to the importance of choosing a sustainable location, Project TriStar has devoted time and research into the assessment of risk for each consideration listed above. The results, which are provided in the form of recommendations, surprised even Project TriStar. Our research reveals that mountainous regions may be some of the most hazardous and high risk locations on the planet. There are certainly mountainous locations that are safe, but Project TriStar recommends that adequate research be done to reduce the risks.