Possible Earth Events
Extreme Storms & Weather: We’ve all heard the theories that global warming is responsible for changes in Earth’s climate and weather. This doesn’t mean that global warming is a man-made phenomenon, but rather that weather is affected by changes in the temperature. Examples: heat and moisture creates high humidity; extreme cold with or without moisture creates low humidity; and rapid changes in these conditions creates storms.

Scientists have proven the primary influence on Earth's atmosphere and temperature is caused by irradiance from the Sun (also known as sunspots or solar winds). Sunspots are storms on the Sun’s surface that are marked by intense magnetic activity and play host to solar flares and hot, gassy ejections from the sun’s corona. Solar wind, according to NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, consists of magnetized plasma flares and, in some cases, is linked to sunspots. These winds emanate from the sun and influences galactic rays that, in turn, energize particles in Earth's atmosphere and create changes in the weather.
What scientists know, but are not reporting publicly is that the temperature of Earth is directly related to the irradiance of the Sun. Yes, there are earthly anomalies such as volcanic eruptions that influence temperatures in the short-term (i.e. 3-5 years), however, all long-term temperature fluctuations have been proven to be directly related the changes in solar irradiance. Even though scientists admit they have much to learn about solar irradiance such as sunspots and solar wind, many climate scientists are coming forward to acknowledge that sunspots and solar winds are the primary factor in climate change. By saying this, these scientists risk their careers by contradicting the widely accepted and increasingly skeptical theory that attributes Earth’s warming to man-made carbon emissions.
In other words, there is absolute scientific proof that global temperatures are directly related to the Sun’s emissions with man-made carbon emissions being relatively or completely insignificant. Below is a brief introduction to the 75min documentary entitled “The Great Global Warming Swindle”.
The conclusions from these scientists, using sound research, and actual scientific analysis are staggering and include:
- Global climate change is a real phenomenon.
- CO2 is not responsible for climate changes.
- Mankind’s influence on global climate is insignificant.
- Global temperatures are directly related to emissions from the Sun.
- The global warming agenda is about money, not science.

The basic summary from the “The Great Global Warming Swindle” documentary is that Earth’s climate changes in direct relationship to the Sun either heating up or cooling down. Applying some basic science and understanding of weather formation creates a climate model that quite simple. When Earth heats up, more water is vaporized into the atmosphere. Water vapor in the atmosphere is a necessary component in the science of cloud formation. Therefore, it doesn’t take a climatologist to correlate the relationship between Earth heating up and an increase in atmospheric cloud cover. Likewise, when Earth cools down, a reverse phenomena occurs and the transitions between heating and cooling creates yet other weather phenomena.
What will it take for people to understand that…
- Global climate change is a real phenomenon.
- Global temperatures are directly related to emissions from the Sun.
- Earth’s climate is directly related to global temperatures.
- Our Sun may be completing a 100,000 solar year cycle (as recorded in the Antarctic ice core data).
The following graph compares Solar Irradiance in relationship to changes in Earth's Surface Temperature. From this graph, you can further see that there are three major dips in surface temperature between 1800 and about 1920 that do not track with the solar irradiance. Note that these three cooling periods are the direct influence from volcanic eruptions during the same periods. We will discuss the cooling affects from volcanic eruptions in detail later in this material.
These next two graphs, provided by NASA, display the change in Global Temperatures over the last 150 years along with a breakdown of temperature anomalies for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. As you can see from this data, the Northern Hemisphere is currently experiencing a greater increase in temperature than the Southern Hemisphere.
The next graph, also from NASA, displays the changes in global ocean temperatures or Heat Content. Notice that the data ends in 2003 as the Heat Content is still increasing exponentially and since 2003, Arctic ice melt appears to be continuing at an exponential rate.
This next graph breaks down the Global Temperature Anomaly data into Land Temperature changes and Ocean Temperature changes with the combined Land and Ocean Temperature data at the top of the graph. As you can see, virtually all of this climate data is provided by either NASA or NOAA which gives it more credibility. It doesn't take a climatologist to see that a trend is developing, but without other cooberating evidence presented throughout this website, this data could still be written off as simply a statistical probability that can reverse at any moment.
What will it take for people to realize the Sun is going through changes that are affecting land and sea temperatures on Earth and that the Antarctic ice core data may reveal several solar cycles of longer duration than the commonly known solar cycles 1-24? When does it become obvious that Earth is heating up and as a result, the Antarctic ice is melting, and climate changes are accelerating? Does it also take much of a stretch of imagination to consider that recent reductions in the Sun’s heliosphere could increase the affects from galactic radiation? Is it possible that all of these factors combined could affect more than just cloud cover and weather?

How many people have heard that the aurora borealis is now being seen further south of the Arctic than ever before? And how many people are even aware of noctilucent clouds or that they are also increasing in visibility?

According to Wikipedia.com, “noctilucent clouds are tenuous cloud-like phenomena that are the "ragged-edge" of a much brighter and pervasive polar cloud layer called polar mesospheric clouds in the upper atmosphere, visible in a deep twilight. They are made of crystals of water ice. The name means roughly "night shining" in Latin. They are most commonly observed in the summer months at latitudes between 50° and 70° north and south of the equator.”
“They are the highest clouds in the Earth's atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 kilometers (47 to 53 mi). They are normally too faint to be seen, and are visible only when illuminated by sunlight from below the horizon while the lower layers of the atmosphere are in the Earth's shadow. Noctilucent clouds are not fully understood and are a recently discovered meteorological phenomenon; there is no evidence that they were observed before 1885.” Quote from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noctilucent_cloud

“Noctilucent clouds can form only under very restrictive conditions; their occurrence can be used as a sensitive guide to changes in the upper atmosphere. Since their relatively recent classification, the occurrence of noctilucent clouds appears to be increasing in frequency, brightness and extent. It is theorized that this increase is connected to climate change.” Quote from: http://spaceweather.com/
Most people are probably aware that our climate and weather have been fairly predictable for centuries with an understanding of the commonly known solar cycles 1-24. Climatologists and farmers alike have relied on these solar cycles to accurately predict everything from storm activity to growing cycles around the world.
If you’ve been paying attention to the news on global climate activity over the past few decades, then you know that weather events are occurring globally which no longer conform to these well respected solar cycles. In fact, we are witnessing the virtual flip flop of weather patterns across the planet. Whether these anomalies are considered statistical probabilities or not, the fact remains that unusual weather patterns are occurring globally.
As you can see from the following graph, the number of reported natural disasters related to weather and climate are skyrocketing. This graph does reference to the obvious fact that increases in event reporting may be due to significant improvements in data gathering. This is certainly true as the computer and internet have made data gathering much more efficient. The part of this graph that may have more relevance is in the lower right-hand corner where you can see that from 1990 to 2000 there has been a noticeable increase in the reporting of climate related disasters.
We have unusual weather in the Arctic, Australia, the Middle East, Europe, North and South America. This includes: warmer air and ocean temperatures in the Arctic, colder weather and snow in Europe and the Middle East, extreme drought in Australia and many other countries, excessive rain and flooding in yet other countries, an increase in global tornadoes, hail storms and unusual weather throughout North America, and even drying up of the Amazon in South America. So, at what point do the scientists and climatologists consider this unusual?
We are seeing new records of both heat and cold throughout the world with no real explanation from climatologists except to blame it on man-made global warming. Since we’ve already concluded that global warming is not caused by man, the question becomes “Are the governments and their scientists deliberately hiding the truth?” The answer is most likely a resounding “Yes”.
If we assume the government and their scientists are aware of their own internal data from NOAA, NASA, and other climate related agencies, then they must at least be aware of the increases in extreme weather and the resulting natural disasters. And if we assume they are intelligent, then they must at least be aware of the relationship between these weather related incidents and global warming. The only real question is whether they will ever realize the relationship between global warming and irradiance from the Sun. They have access to the Antarctic ice core data and would only need a basic understanding of science to realize the possible existence of solar cycles other than “Solar Cycles 1 – 24” that recur over thousands and possibly tens of thousands of years.
Let’s take a look at some events on Earth today that are often under-reported and see how they might also affect global temperatures. Since the start of the global warming scare, geologists, climatologists, and scientists from a variety of fields have been collecting data on virtually anything related to the possible causes of global temperature changes. Most of these statistics and graphs are available on government websites such as NOAA or NASA. When you see this data, it begs to ask if anyone is actually analyzing this data.

The previous graphs on changes in Earth's temperature are both shocking and revealing, but there is more to be revealed. This image displays the various atmospheric levels between Earth’s surface and the vacuum of space. The air we breathe is in a layer known as the troposphere which extends from the surface of Earth and up to about 10km. The next layer is the stratosphere which extends beyond the troposphere and up to about 50km. As you can see, the ozone layer is contained within the stratosphere and is the layer where most jet traffic resides.
This next graph displays how temperatures vary depending on whether you are on the surface of Earth (in the troposphere) or stratosphere (upper atmosphere). This data is interesting as it shows a reverse correlation between temperature changes in the troposphere and stratosphere. In other words, as temperatures rise on the surface of Earth, temperatures actually get cooler in the upper atmosphere.
If you look closely at the above graph, you can see three red triangles that represent large-scale volcanic eruptions. By now, you may have already figured this out, but look at how these eruptions have directly influenced temperature in both the troposphere and stratosphere. In other words, the volcanic ash from these eruptions caused lower temperatures on Earth's surface, but actually higher temperatures in the upper atmosphere.
Besides the obviousness of global warming as depicted in all of these graphs, there are also ground-based natural phenomena which influence Earth’s surface temperature. No, we're not talking about the burning of fossil fuels here, but what we are going to discuss are real events that have measurable affects on global temperatures. Three of these phenomena are El Nino, La Nina, and volcanic eruptions.

El Nino is commonly referred to as a warm ocean current that results from warming of the equatorial waters in the Pacific Ocean. This image provides a visual of El Nino's global location and size. The image also shows how the size of El Nino fluctuates from year to year. El Nino events usually occur every 3 to 7 years, and are characterized by shifts in "normal" weather patterns. Basically, as the Pacific Ocean heats up at the equator, El Nino becomes larger, Earth surface temperatures increase, and weather patterns become more extreme.

Unlike the El Nino phenomenon, La Nina (the "little girl" in Spanish) refers to the occurrence of unusually cold ocean water in the same geographical area as El Nino, i.e. along the Pacific coast of South America and in the equatorial Pacific zone. This phenomenon is due to strengthening of the trade winds that increase the flow of colder water along the coast.
The following graph displays the probability of the occurrence of El Nino and La Nina from July 2009 through April 2010. Although this is not over significant as an indication of a trend, off to the right hand side of this graph, you can see that the Historical Probability for El Nino and La Nina are virtually the same. In other words, throughout historic data gathering, it has been seen that El Nino and La Nina occur equally as often; however, this data only reflects the frequency of these events. What it doesn't represent is any changes in intensity of El Nino and La Nina. In other words, since ocean and global temperatures are increasing, it's highly likely that the periods of El Nino are becoming more severe over time while the periods of La Nina are becoming less severe.
It’s obvious from the following image and the news surrounding global warming that the scientific community understands the relationship between Earth’s ocean temperatures and changes in climate, however, it appears they are still missing the actual cause of rising global temperatures.

Volcanic activity across the planet may be a little more news worthy than El Nino or La Nina, but how many people have seen real statistics that volcanic eruptions have increased over the recent years?
From the below graph, you can see a measurable increase in volcanic activity over recent times. Maybe it takes some time before recent data gets published, but like most of the data revolving around natural events that can influence global warming, the data in this graph stops in early 2000. It would be interesting to see how the graph has changed with more recent data.
Now let’s look at how these, seemingly natural, phenomenon directly or indirectly affect global temperatures. The following graph display the relationship between Earth’s surface temperature and the affects of large El Nino cycles and large volcanic eruptions combined.
As you can easily see from this graph, Earth’s temperature cools as a direct result of large volcanic eruptions and also heats up as a direct result of large El Nino cycles. But if you look more closely at this data, you may see something that is even more interesting. Look at how the volcanic eruptions have actually counter-balanced the affects of El Nino in various periods. In other words, without the surface cooling that occurred from volcanic eruptions, the increase in temperature from El Nino would have been even more severe. In fact, this data shows that the volcanic eruptions are actually helping to keep Earth cool and in some cases even reduced, limited, or eliminated the affects of El Nino. That’s certainly something you don’t hear being discussed when climatologists or the media talk about global warming, but it reveals the fragility of Earth’s climate.
This data confirms climatologist assertions that large volcanic eruptions do alter Earth’s temperature for periods of years even after the eruptions. From the following graph, you can see that even one large volcanic eruption can affect global temperature for several years and lower the global temperature by up to .4 degrees centigrade.

This graph shows that, by removing the affects of El Nino from the global temperature data, a large volcanic eruption can actually result in lowering the global temperature by up to .8 degrees centigrade. If you look closely at this graph, you can also see that without the affects of El Nino, global temperature changes would be nominal and there would be no concern over global warming.
Now look at what happens when you remove the cooling data that is caused by volcanic eruptions from the same global temperature change data. This graph reveals something even more alarming. This graph shows that global warming is accelerating more rapidly and is more relevant than we have been told.
From all of this data, the conclusion can be drawn that heating of the oceans and volcanic activity affect global temperatures and these temperature fluctuations, in turn, alter global weather patterns. Some of these weather related events include: sever thunderstorms, altered growing seasons, continental drought, floods, altered rainfall, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, freak hail storms, etc.

It is commonly accepted that ocean temperatures are one of the main sources of climate change. Although the below data does show an increase in historic hurricane activity, many climatologist might respond by implying these are statistical anomalies that can be explained. Depending on how you interpret the following data, there does appear to be a significant increase in the total number of tropical storms annually, a slight increase in the number of tropical storms that qualify as hurricanes, but only a nominal increase the hurricane severity.
These interpretations of the below data are exactly why the apparent and observable increase in hurricane activity due to rising ocean temperatures, global warming, and other causal effects are so easily disputed by climatologist and other scientists

There is, however, data to confirm a significant increase in the number of annual tornadoes. A majority (77%) of the world's tornadoes occur in the United States where they currently number approximately 1,200 annually, however, this was not always the case. In fact, until just recently, it was widely acknowledge that the annual number of tornadoes in the US was closer to 700. Although most tornadoes only last a few minutes and travel a few miles, some have been know to last longer and travel over a 100 miles. The following graph from NOAA shows the dramatic increase in tornado activity over the last 50 years and even more so in the last 15 years.

From all the above data and graphs, you can see that Earth’s climate and weather is fragile and is influenced by everything from the Sun, ocean temperatures, and volcanic activity, but what are the consequences besides global warming? In other words, how do global warming, extreme weather, and other natural disasters affect our infrastructure, specifically our power grids?
We've all heard the rumors and speculation that sun spots cause failures in power grids. We've all read the governments’ explanation on what caused a power grid failure and they're quick to blame it on human error rather than from the Sun or other natural event. The below graph reveals just how vulnerable our power grids are to weather extremes and other natural disasters. Although this graph still doesn't take into consideration irradiance from the Sun, it does provide a chilling look at our exposure to social disruption.
SOURCE: US Global Change Research Program
Now let's consider what happens if we add the possible cataclysmic geological and cosmic events onto this already fragile climate picture? What happens to the climate if the Sun irradiance increases by 20% – 30% in a matter of days? What happens if we experience a large number of volcanoes erupting simultaneously? To be honest, either of these two possible events are just what could trigger Earth to enter it’s next ice age. And by the ice core data graph below, it’s an ice age that is imminent rather than just probable.

Throughout history, prophets from around the world have written about a time such as those we live in today, but more importantly, those that we appear to be moving into. Nostradamus, Edgar Casey, the Bible, and numerous other sources have all predicted a time of extreme weather, changing climates, altered growing seasons, global drought, worldwide famine, devastating floods, etc. Even without the cataclysmic events, Earth is rapidly approaching these predictions.

The question now becomes “what kind of weather anomalies can we expect in the years leading up to and during the coming cataclysmic events?” Even if no catastrophic events occurred, you can be certain that global weather extremes will continue to increase in relationship to the Sun’s irradiance, a diminished heliosphere, and Earth’s weakening electromagnetic field.