First and foremost, Project TriStar operates as a corporation and applies the same guidelines, processes, and procedures of any professional organization. As such, Project TriStar has a Board of Directors, oversight management team, financial management team, and subsystem management teams that are responsible and accountable for the entire development and operation of the community development.
In order to achieve this level of accountability and management for an organization and community of this size, which is also based on spiritual principles and universal laws, Project TriStar has established a series of committees that operate as management teams. The development and subsystem committees report to the management committee who works hand-in-hand with the financial committee. The management and financial committees, in turn, report directly to the Project TriStar Board of Directors.
No matter how large or small a project, the key to it's overall success lies in the hands of how the project is managed.
Project TriStar understands that management and leadership are not talents that can be given to any individual. They must be earned through years of education, experience, and developed natural talent. From there, success is further accented by the character, balance, and intelligence of those who are placed in management roles. These character traits determine how a person applies their management and leadership skills.
In other words, there are many different types of leaders in the world. Some lead people into battle and achieve success through brute force methods. Others lead people on field trips and outings to educate, enhance, and enrich their lives. And still others visualize and pursue paths that inspire and motivate people around the world.
From one extreme to the other, success is achieved based on a combination of skill sets and the character necessary to manage and lead such projects. However, this does not mean that one leader could exchange roles with another and be equally as effective or successful.
So, how does Project TriStar choose managers and leaders to achieve success on such an evolutionary community endeavor?
Very simply... By the universal law of attraction.
Project TriStar understands that the effectiveness and success of any endeavor depends on the viability of the plan itself, the ability to articulate that plan to others, and the ability of others to grasp the plan and move it forward. As such, this website provides the basis to fulfill the first two of these requirements.
The third step relies on the abilities of others to see and understand the plan. By providing the community plan in an open format such as the internet, through videos, DVD's, and books, Project TriStar is broadcasting to everyone who is listening. Those who hear and resonate with the message ultimately come forward and inquire about participation.
From there it becomes a process of evaluation by the Project TriStar Membership Committee. The Membership Committee reviews the applicant information, interviews the applicant, and performs any background and reference checks necessary. The committee then determines how and where a personals skills and character best support the community and overall project.
Those community members who possess the necessary leadership capabilities are given the opportunity to become committee members and participate in the community planning, development, and management. To date, this process has proven extremely effective as Project TriStar has attracted talented and balanced leaders from around the world, from a variety of skill sets, and all walks of life.
The Project TriStar leadership model utilizes committees to define, implement, and moderate every function of the community. Besides, community planning, development, and construction,the committees are responsible for establishing all curriculum, protocols, and procedures of the community operation and lifestyle. Each committee has between five and twenty members working to co-create a cohesive bond between the community subsystems and the members.
As a community founded on the principals of co-creative manifestation by the committee members, management team, and the entire community, there is no individual that maintains a title of leader. The nature of co-creation is that every person is a leader and provides something of importance to the whole.
As community founder and visionary, Ivan Stein is an active member of the leadership team that is responsible for the community conceptual design, management selection and organization, oversight of all aspects of the planning and development, and coordination of committee activities. There is a clear understanding between the entire management team of the importance for planning, construction and operation of the community through the cooperative and co-creative leadership of the committee members.
Financial Management

First and foremost, Project TriStar operates as a corporation and applies the same guidelines, processes, and procedures of any professional organization. As such, Project TriStar has a Board of Directors, oversight management team, financial management team, and subsystem management teams that are responsible and accountable for the entire development and operation of the community development.
Financial management of the Project TriStar community project, as with any business venture, is at the heart of our success. Anyone who's been around the business world knows that most failures come at the hands of poor financial planning and management and the larger the venture, the greater the risk for possible error or miscalculation.
Project TriStar understands there is no room for error when it comes to managing the finances for such a project. To ensure this, Project TriStar has established a financial committee that works hand-in-hand with the management committee. The management and financial committees, in turn, report directly to the Project TriStar Board of Directors.
As with all Project TriStar committees, the financial committee members have been hand-picked from those members who have applied and been accepted into the community. These members must have a proven background in finance, as well as the desire and ability to participate at the committee level.
In order to ensure responsibility, Project TriStar has established various protocols including; budget projections, budget approval, and multiple signature check signing. These methods of fiscal management ensure that all financial matters are reviewed and confirmed by multiple levels of management before being implemented.